Norrbottens län
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248 480 INVÅNARE
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Norrbottens län
Norrbottens län // IN ENGLISH // Environment // Sales of fertilizers, Potassiu…

Sales of fertilizers, Potassium (K)

Last update 2023-04-27
The statistics are intended to illustrate regional sales to agriculture and horticulture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in commercial fertilizer and continuously to monitor developments.
Diagram nuläge
Diagram tidsserie
Sales of fertilizers for agricultural and horticultural purposes in 2021/22. Potassium (K) in kg per hectare of utilized arable land

Region Potassium (K) in kg per hectare of utilized arable land
Stockholm County 6
Uppsala County 9
Södermanland County 4
Östergötland County 7
Jönköping County 5
Kronoberg County 6
Kalmar County 4
Gotland County 14
Blekinge County 10
Skåne County 25
Halland County 12
Västra Götaland County 12
Värmland County 11
Örebro County 14
Västmanland County 9
Dalarna County 15
Gävleborg County 6
Västernorrland County 3
Jämtland County 2
Västerbotten County 5
Norrbotten County 8
Sweden 12
Sales of fertilizers for agricultural and horticultural purposes in 2002/2003-2021/2022. Potassium (K) in kg per hectare of utilized arable land

Year Norrbotten County Sweden
2002/2003 10 16
2003/2004 11 16
2004/2005 10 14
2005/2006 8 13
2006/2007 5 13
2007/2008 4 14
2008/2009 3 7
2009/2010 5 9
2010/2011 5 9
2011/2012 3 9
2012/2013 6 11
2013/2014 5 11
2014/2015 6 11
2015/2016 5 11
2016/2017 5 11
2017/2018 5 12
2018/2019 6 11
2019/2020 5 13
2020/2021 9 14
2021/2022 8 12
Sales of fertilizers for agricultural and horticultural purposes in 2002/2003-2021/2022. Potassium (K) in kg per hectare of utilized arable land. Index year 2002/2003=100

Year Norrbotten County Sweden
2002/2003 100 100
2003/2004 110 100
2004/2005 100 88
2005/2006 80 81
2006/2007 50 81
2007/2008 40 88
2008/2009 30 44
2009/2010 50 56
2010/2011 50 56
2011/2012 30 56
2012/2013 60 69
2013/2014 50 69
2014/2015 60 69
2015/2016 50 69
2016/2017 50 69
2017/2018 50 75
2018/2019 60 69
2019/2020 50 81
2020/2021 90 88
2021/2022 80 75

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