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Norrbottens län // IN ENGLISH // Business // Employment // Entrepreneurs as per cent of g…

Entrepreneurs as per cent of gainfully employed population

Last update 2024-03-12

The register-based labour market statistics (RAMS) produced annually by Statistics Sweden are comprehensive statistics based on, among other things, employers’ wage statements and self-employed persons' tax returns. The total population for RAMS includes all persons registered in Sweden at year-end. The statistics present the number of employees and earning intensity of different groups of the population using the month of November as the reference period.

Gainfully employed.
All persons deemed to have carried out an average of one hour's work per week during November are registered as gainfully employed. Those who were temporarily absent during the assessment period, for instance due to illness, are also included in the survey. When it cannot be ascertained from a wage statement whether an individual was employed during November, the size of the annual salary is used as a criterion. If the annual salary is greater than the indexed base amount then the person is deemed gainfully employed. Certain benefits, such as sickness benefit and parents’ allowance, are in this regard included as salary.

Self-employed business owners.
Only persons declaring income from active business operations are registered as gainfully employed in the Register-based labour market statistics (RAMS). In order to be viewed as active, the individual subject to taxation must have engaged in business activities to an extent corresponding to at least one third (500 hours) of full-time employment.

Diagram nuläge
Entrepreneurs as per cent of gainfully employed population in 2022

Region Employed in own enterprise Employed in own limited liability company Total entrepre- neurs Proportion entrepre- neurs of all gainfullt employed (%) Other employees Proportion other employees of all gainfully employed (%)
Stockholm County 54 391 91 770 146 161 10,8 1 211 161 89,2
Uppsala County 9 149 9 748 18 897 10,8 155 858 89,2
Södermanland County 6 697 6 661 13 358 10,6 112 272 89,4
Östergötland County 9 343 10 520 19 863 8,7 208 478 91,3
Jönköping County 8 832 9 044 17 876 9,4 172 030 90,6
Kronoberg County 5 994 4 418 10 412 9,9 94 730 90,1
Kalmar County 7 747 5 528 13 275 11,5 102 360 88,5
Gotland County 2 816 1 848 4 664 16,1 24 289 83,9
Blekinge County 4 056 2 850 6 906 9,5 65 815 90,5
Skåne County 36 137 33 976 70 113 10,7 586 776 89,3
Halland County 8 969 10 061 19 030 12,6 131 779 87,4
Västra Götaland County 41 210 46 476 87 686 9,7 820 547 90,3
Värmland County 8 499 6 220 14 719 11,1 118 191 88,9
Örebro County 6 230 6 747 12 977 8,6 137 186 91,4
Västmanland County 5 298 6 602 11 900 9,3 116 504 90,7
Dalarna County 8 024 7 222 15 246 11,1 121 735 88,9
Gävleborg County 7 252 6 488 13 740 10,3 120 116 89,7
Västernorrland County 6 492 5 520 12 012 10,3 105 110 89,7
Jämtland County 5 216 4 096 9 312 14,1 56 910 85,9
Västerbotten County 7 043 6 086 13 129 9,4 127 149 90,6
Norrbotten County 6 665 5 962 12 627 10,1 112 396 89,9
Sweden 256 060 287 843 543 903 10,4 4 701 392 89,6

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