Norrbottens län
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248 480 INVÅNARE
97 239 km2 AREA
Norrbottens län
Norrbottens län // IN ENGLISH // Culture and recreation // Access to recreational dwellin…

Access to recreational dwelling

Last update 2011-09-20
In some years, Statistics Sweden's annual Survey on Living Conditions addresses the issue of access to a recreational dwelling. By recreational dwelling is meant a recreational house, mobile home, caravan or boat with overnight facilities. The result for two surveys is combined.
Diagram nuläge
Access to recreational dwelling 2013-2015. Percentage of population aged 16 and older

Region No access Is the owner Owned by other, renting or borrowing Total
Stockholm County 36,7 29,7 33,7 100
Uppsala County 40,5 24,8 34,7 100
Södermanland County 50,5 23,3 26,2 100
Östergotland County 44,1 25,6 30,3 100
Jönkoping County 45,8 27,8 26,4 100
Kronoberg County 45,3 26,0 28,7 100
Kalmar County 54,1 22,6 23,3 100
Gotland County .. .. .. 0
Blekinge County 47,1 25,3 27,6 100
Skåne County 61,1 16,6 22,3 100
Halland County 57,7 16,6 25,7 100
Västra Götaland County 44,3 26,1 29,6 100
Värmland County 49,6 25,6 24,8 100
Örebro County 52,0 22,7 25,3 100
Västmanland County 54,5 24,2 21,3 100
Dalarna County 36,5 34,0 29,4 100
Gävleborg County 44,3 31,5 24,2 100
Västernorrland County 34,8 37,1 28,1 100
Jämtland County 26,6 43,7 29,7 100
Västerbotten County 33,6 36,2 30,2 100
Norrbotten County 33,8 39,7 26,5 100
Sweden 46,6 25,4 28,0 100
Source: Statistics Sweden, Survey on Living Conditions.

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