Västra Götalands län
Fakta & Perspektiv
1 767 016 INVÅNARE
23 800 km2 AREA
Västra Götalands län
Västra Götalands län // IN ENGLISH // Work // Communting to work in other co…

Communting to work in other counties

Last update 2024-02-13
A commuter is person whose workplace is located in another municipality than the municipality where he/ she is registered.
Thus, not only day commuters are counted, but also commuters who for example commute weekly. A commuter then belongs to the night population of one municipality (municipality of residence) and the day population of another municipality (workplace municipality).
Commuting from Västra Götaland County to other counties in the nation 2022. Number

To Women Men Total
Stockholm County 6 098 8 072 14 170
Halland County 4 295 5 597 9 892
Jönköping County 1 717 2 360 4 077
Skåne County 1 244 2 105 3 349
Värmland County 882 1 221 2 103
Örebro County 387 739 1 126
Östergötland County 366 632 998
Uppsala County 252 401 653
Kronoberg County 213 332 545
Blekinge County 120 379 499
Dalarna County 201 258 459
Västmanland County 148 294 442
Södermanland County 150 212 362
Västerbotten County 143 205 348
Kalmar County 127 191 318
Västernorrland County 106 172 278
Norrbotten County 76 144 220
Gävleborg County 78 138 216
Jämtland County 89 127 216
Gotland County 39 36 75
Total 16 731 23 615 40 346

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